While recovering from a chronic illness, I had more energy, less depression, and slept well after a shiatsu session.   

I find shiatsu has a centering effect.  If I come into a session tired, I leave more invigorated.  If I start the session energetic, I finish more focused.  Always shiatsu is relaxing.   

Paula's shiatsu is both cleansing and grounding.  The energy released during my sessions opens not just physical energy but creative as well.  During sessions I feel she channels ancient Buddhist shiatsu masters.  

Paula's sensitive ability to focus energy helps to process a natural healing.  Her expert combination of modalities is a pleasure to experience.  

The meridians that Paula chooses to address always feel related to how I am feeling, and I feel that Paula is able to touch the part of my being that is struggling or that could use support. During my last treatment I was feeling quite fearful and not very hopeful. Her touch during this treatment conveyed support, strength, and reassurance. Afterwards, I realized that I felt more hopeful, and grounded. This reflects Paula's ability to connect with her clients in a deep and meaningful way.